Apple Graphics is currently working on a wrap for
Total Home Improvments. One of the company's vehicles, a Chevrolet Silverado was involved in an accident. The insurance company
covers both the vehicle damage as well as the vehicle wrap. Any part of a wrap that gets damaged in an accident is covered by the insurance.
Total Home Improvments has a fleet of company vehicles. They come to Apple Graphics to not only get their vehicle wrapped, but also to maintain their
brand name. A company's branding is extremely important, since that is how consumers know them.
Apple Graphics is currently working on a truck wrap for a
2010 GMC Denali. So far with THI, we have done a full truck wrap on a Ford F-250, a vinyl lettering job on a Ford F-150, and now a wrap repair on a Chevrolet Silverado.
Apple Graphics has done a few wrap repair jobs, such as a Nissan Sentra for RentABody. The client was rear-ended so we replaced the trunk and rear bumper of the wrap. Most repairs are a
quick and easy installation, since we have the design already set up and ready to print.
We frequently get asked if a wrapped vehicle is involved in an accident, does the insurance company cover the repair. The answer is
YES! We will match the exact design, making it appear as if nothing ever happened. It is especially important for fleet vehicles to match the original design since they all must look the same.
When it comes to getting in an accident with a wrapped vehicle, the insurance company will handle the cost, and Apple Graphics will handle the wrap repair.