Vehicle wraps are one of the best forms of outdoor advertising, but if they are not taken care of properly, they won't last as long as they should.
When taken care of properly, a vehicle wrap can last anywhere from 5 to 7 years. He is a few tips on how to keep your wrap looking its best.
1. Hand wash your vehicle
While handwashing may take a little longer than going through a carwash, it is the most recommended way to keep your wrap clean. Use a soft rag and a nonabrasive cleaning to avoid scratching or scraping the vinyl. If you have a larger vehicle, like a box truck or transit van, and a pressure washer is needed, make sure that the water pressure is no higher than 800-2000 psi. Also, remember to use sweeping motions so that the vinyl doesn't rip or wear down. Never pressure wash if you see loose edges, as it can cause further damage.
2. Storing Your Vehicle
Too much UV exposure on your wrap is never a good thing. You can drastically protect your vehicle wrap from the elements just by parking your vehicle in a spot with more shade or under a covered area. Too much sun exposure can cause damage such as cracking, fading, or peeling, therefore cutting the lifespan of your wrap short.
3. Call a Professional
If you begin to notice any kind of damage or fading to your wrap, make sure you call a professional and don't try to fix it yourself. We have trained installers who are ready to help you with whatever you may need in order to keep your wrap looking its best.